回收CO2 減廢並生產輕質碳酸鈣計劃
輕質碳酸鈣(RECIPITATED CALCIUM CARBONATE / PCC )減碳製程說明生石灰 + 水=消石灰, 生石灰與水反應生成氫氣化鈣(消石灰)乳液CaO + H2O= Ca(OH)2消石灰+ 二氧化碳 =輕質碳酸鈣{Ca(OH)2} + {CO2} = {CaCO3}將發電廠的二氧化碳與消石灰反應製成輕質碳酸鈣二氧化碳來自燃煤鍋爐(燃燒生熱 及發電)之排煙(Flue Gas),排煙(先排放到節 煤器(Economizer), 再到空氣預熱器(Pre-Heater), 回收廢熱作節能利用, 然後 引導排煙(Flue Gas)到脫硝反應器(SCR)作除氮氧化物, 及靜電集塵器(ESP)作除 塵, 接著引導排煙(Flue Gas)到脫硫系統(FGD)去除硫氧化物, 最後有部份排煙 (Flue Gas)再洗滌淨化後, 引導到輕質碳酸鈣 工廠之碳化反應槽(Carbonation Reactor)與氫氣化鈣(消石灰)乳液, 經強力攪拌後成長為設定的結晶物, 即為輕 質碳酸鈣 .減碳的最佳製程
TERRUZZIFERCALXSPABlock process diagram of PCC production製造流程圖排煙(Flue gas)生石灰購入輕質碳酸 鈣成品全部技術來自義大利Terruzzi Fercalx S.p.a. 台灣代理商: HBW Enterprise Co., (E-mail: hbw.corp@msa.hinet.net )
The PCC is used as important component in :
♦ the paper Industry as “filler”, as binder
and as whitener
♦ in some cosmetics
♦ in the tooth pastes
♦ as anti-acid in medicine and veterinary
♦ as basis for polish pastes
♦ as to neutralize the wine acidity
♦ in medicine as absorber, anti-rachitic
and anti-scrofulous
♦ in the tyre i...