
參觀考察遼寧省本溪市鋼廠石灰窯運轉參觀日期: 2011. May 12 鋼鐵廠: 北台鋼鐵公司年產碳鋼數量: 800 萬噸, 作業人員: 36,000.人石灰窯: 日產200 Ton x 1 座,日產300 Ton x 1 座,日產500 Ton x 2 座, 石灰窯技術來源: 義大利Terruzzi Fercalx S.p.a. 石灰窯技術代理商: HBW Enterprise Co., 合保旺企業有限公司 台中市龍井區龍社路22巷4弄19號 E-mail :hbw.corp@msa.hinet.net Tel: +886-4-2355-3377 考察研討事項問題一: 請貴公司簡單說明歷史沿革,例如:成立年代、註冊資本、每年產量、員工數量、工廠占地面積、產品的種類等。 Kindly ask Beitai to interpret briefly for your corporate history, establishment year, registered capital, yearly production, employees no., area/space of plant, products kinds. 回答: 300t/d弗卡斯窯建於2001年,200t/d窯改造於2004年初,兩座500t/d弗卡斯窯建於2004年,總年產量大於46萬噸,員工192人,占地約3萬平方米,產品種類為冶金用的活性生石灰。 300tpd FX kiln built in 2001, 200tpd revamped in 2004, 2 sets of 500 tpd FX kiln built in 2004, total quick line productivity is 460,000 ton per year, hiring employee is 192 persons, area is 30 thousand square meter, product is high reactivity quick lime for metallurgy use. 問題二: 請問貴公司共有幾座石灰窯?分別說明:窯型、日產量(t/d) 、建造工期、投產年代、投資金額等相關資料。(至少提供佛卡斯500t/d梁式窯) Kindly ask Beitai how many kilns owned/operated? Specify respectively their kiln types, daily productivity, construction duration, starting production year, investment and else (at least provide the information of 500 tpd Fercalx burning beam kiln.) 回答: 共五座石灰窯,1#焦炭窯(200t/d)於2006年停用,2#和3#窯分別為200t/d和300t/d的弗卡斯窯,4#和5#窯為500 t/d弗卡斯窯。4#和5#窯建造工期約11個月,投產於2005年3月和5月,投資約4000萬元/窯。 There are 5 sets of kiln, #1 coke kiln (200 tpd) was retired in 2006, #2 and # 3 FX kilns with capacity of 200 tpd and 300 tpd respectively. #4 & #5 are 500 tpd FX kilns, the construction period of #4 &5 was 11 months, production was started in March and May, 2005, the investment is RMB 40 Mio. each kiln. 問題三: 貴公司擁有佛卡斯500t/d梁式窯,請問至目前操作情況如何? kindly ask the current operation status of Fercalx 500tpd kiln,: 回答: 500 t/d弗卡斯梁式窯目前運轉正常,且操作簡單,操作人員只需要簡單的培訓就可以操作。 500 tpd FX burning beam kiln operating is normal, easy to operation, the operators need simple training before operation. 例如for example:問題(1) (1) 操作的難易程度說明:例如:上料、燃氣、助燃空氣、冷卻空氣、廢氣排放、熱媒油冷卻、排料等。 Operational difficulty or simplicity description: for example on charging material, gaseous fuel feeding, combustion air, cooling air, exhausting gas discharging, diathermic oil cooling, product discharging, etc. 回答: 1. 弗卡斯窯的所有系統均實行自動化控制,上料由料位計控制自動上料或停止;排料由產量決定,按時間定時、定量自動排料;煤氣設定熱耗、產量等數值後,由調節閥自動跟蹤調節流量;助燃空氣按比例設定好後,能實現自動跟蹤增減風量;導熱油設定一定壓力和流量後,也很穩定;冷卻空氣和廢氣排放的溫度是操作工控制窯況的主要控制點,通過溫度的穩定確保石灰窯內的熱平衡穩定。 All systems of Fercalx kiln are automatic control, limestone charging is controlled by level meter to charge or stop. Discharging is decided by preset capacity, per time setting and certain quantity to charge automatically. Fuel(mixed gas)heat consumption and lime productivity are preset, then gas regulating valve will follow and control fuel flow rate automatically. Combustion air is preset the ratio to fuel and being able to be follow-up and adjusting combustion air volume. The diathermic oil is preset on pressure and flow rate with stability. Temperature of Cooling air and exhausting air is the key factor for operator to control kiln operation, the steady temperature means the ascertain of heat balance in kiln. 問題(2): (2) 燃氣:是否使用焦爐煤氣?是否有COG增壓機?如何配置/備機/故障率/廠牌/型式/入口壓力、溫度/出口壓力、溫度/水冷卻/CO檢知器/出口含水率/是否異常監控系統/集中配置或各窯配置/熱值分析儀如何配置? gaseous fuel is Coke Oven Gas or not?, do you equip COG boosters? Boosters Layout? boosters standby plan? Boosters brand? Types? COG Inlet and outlet pressure/Temperature? Water cooling? CO detector? Moisture % at outlet of booster? Abnormal supervisory system? Central boosters arrangement for kilns or respective arrangement of boosters for each kiln? How is Fuel heating value analyzer arrangement? 回答: 2. 使用焦、轉爐煤氣,有增壓機,但由其他分廠控制,兩個窯共用一台熱值儀,熱值儀為德國尤尼公司的。 Fuel is mixed gas from coke oven gas and converter gas, with gas booster but controlled by other plant, two kilns are using one gas heat measurement meter to be supplied by German UNION. 問題(3): (3) 燃燒梁:是否有異常發生?例如:耐火磚脫落、熱媒油洩漏、噴槍阻塞等。噴槍(LANCE)壽命/備品? Burning beams – has any abnormal situation happened? Such as refractory falling off, leakage of diathermic oil, blockage of lances, life time of lances, spare parts? 回答: 3. 燃燒梁發生異常的狀況很少,曾出現過導熱油洩露事故。噴嘴堵塞主要是焦爐煤氣和轉爐煤氣中的雜質淤積在管道中,定期清理便可以解決。 Burning beams have very few abnormal accident, there was once leakage of diathermic oil. The blockage of lances happened due to the tar exists in mixed gas of COG and converter gas, the routine cleaning will solve this problem. 耐火磚脫落主要是磨損所致,與燃燒梁無關。噴槍的壽命,從使用狀況看,到目前未更換過。 The falling or separation of refractory is not relating to burning beam but relating to the wearing from limestone charging, the life time of lancers are long enough and no sign for replacement since 2005. 問題(4): (4) 廢氣排放熱交換器:因經常與排氣的粉末接觸,其熱交換效率如何?多久需要清除粉末? exhausting gas heat exchanger: how is the heat exchanging efficiency after long period contacting with powder of gas? How long period to soot the dusts.? 回答: 4. 熱交換器的效果很好,如果無管道洩露,無需清除粉末,即使有粉末,熱交換器下有排灰裝置(螺旋輸送機),可實現即時排灰 the heat exchanger is good performance, it is no need for dust removal if no pipe leakage, in case of dust exists , the screw conveyer will remove the dust regularly. 問題(5): 捲揚機:因位於窯頂,在維修上是否造成不便?SKIP減速機廠牌/備機? skip: the maintenance is convenient or not due to located at kiln top? Gear reducer maker? Needs spare reducer? 回答: 5. 捲揚機位於地面,無不方便。 Skip is located at floor and without any inconvenience! 問題(6): 熱媒油案例討論:XXXX公司磁吸式泵浦因熱媒油由破裂點流出,被磨擦熱引燃著火 (熱媒油閃火點184℃),如附圖說明。請問貴 公司是否有類似案例?diathermic oil case discussion: XXX company using magnetic driving pump for diathermic oil, the leakage happened at broken point of pump body , the oil was fired by abrasion heat, the flushing point is 184 ℃, refer to attached drawing, do you have similar case? 回答: 6. 有過導熱油洩露事故,但由於弗卡斯窯是負壓操作,未發生著火。 There was leakage of diathermic oil, no fire happened due to negative pressure of Fercalx kiln. 問題(7): 方形窯型:對於物料的流動是否順暢?耐火磚的壽命是否有影響?四角落是否易積料? Square shape kiln: is square shape influences the fluid ability of material? The life time of refractory influenced? The corners are easy to settle material? 回答: 7. 窯型為准矩形,四角落為弧形結構,物料流動還是很順暢的,耐火磚的壽命只是在裝料的入口處,因崩料而導致部分耐火磚脫落。 FX kiln is near square shape but its 4 corners are arch structure, the material flow is very smooth. The life of refractory is not affected, only the charging of kiln will impact refractory during limestone falling at top place of kiln. 問題(8): 窯頂上料:採用分岐管上料”pant legs”,對於噪音的影響是否較大?多久維修或更新? Kiln charging: using hoppers with pant legs will affect noise to be larger or not? How long period for maintenance or replacement? 回答: 8. 窯頂的分管上料,噪音很大,大處於高空,加之封閉,可以減少噪音的影響。該分料管每年需要維修一到兩次。 Some big noise happens at pants lag distributor, the insulation is needed, the maintenance is required once or twice per year. 問題(9): 石灰品質:殘留CO2多少%?活性度多少ml?熱耗多少kcal/kg石灰?電耗多少KWH/ton石灰(包含booster,是否有獨立電錶)?<8mm石灰的粉末率多少%?lime quality: RCO2 %? Reactivity ml? heat consumption cal/kg? electricity consumption Kwh/ton lime ( including COG booster ? is there independent meter?) less than 8 mm lime %? 回答: 9. 殘留CO2小於1%,活性度大於350ml,熱耗在850-880大卡/公斤灰;電耗為小於21千瓦時/噸灰。 RCO2 is less than 1%, reactivity is larger than 350 ml, heat consumption is range of 850 Kcal ~ 880 Kcal per kg of lime, electricity consumption is less than 21 Kw-Hr per ton of lime. 小於8mm的石灰粉末率在12%左右。 The powder less than 8 mm is 12% average. 問題(10): 廢氣排放品質:NOx、CO、SO2多少mg/Nm3? exhausting gas emission : mg/ Nm3 NOx、CO、SO2 回答: 10. CO小於1%. CO is less than 1% 問題(11): 耐火磚:多少年需要小修?多少年需要大修?(依貴廠實際運轉經驗) Refractory: how many years for minor repair? how many years for major repair? 回答: 11. 耐火磚3年需要小修,5年以上需要大修。 Refractory shall be maintained slightly after 3 years, the major repair shall be 5 years ( replacement is made completely!) 問題(12): 石灰石粒度及品質要求?particular size and quality requirements for limestone? 回答: (12) 石灰石粒度60-90mm,氧化鈣不小於53%,氧化鎂不大於3%,二氧化矽不大於1.5%. Acceptable limestone quality : particle size- 60~ 90 mm, CaO content > 53%, MgO < 3%, SiO2 < 3%. 問(13): 排料及排氣溫度(爐體、袋濾機)? discharge temperature of lime and exhausting gas at kiln and bag filter respectively. 回答:( 13). 排料溫度60-150℃,lime discharge temp. : 60 ~ 150℃ 廢氣溫度160-300℃. Waste gas temp: 160 ~ 300 ℃ 問題(14): 從入料至排料是否100%操作自動化? is it 100% automatic control from charging limestone till discharging of quick lime? 回答: 14. 從入料到排料完全100%自動化操作。 There are 100 % automatic operation from charging limestone to discharging lime. 問題4: 貴 公司的佛卡斯500t/d梁式窯,使用的耐火材為那家公司的產品?what is the maker of refractory for 500tpd Fercalx kiln? 回答: No answer from Benxi! 問題5: 貴 公司所使用的帶式輸送機、振動給料機、破碎機等,是否為中國製品?其使用壽命多少? your belt conveyers, vibrating screens and crushers are made in PRC? What is the life time of these equipment? 回答: 全部為中國製造 , 使用壽命. 2-5年 yes ! belt conveyers, vibrating screens and crushers are made in PRC, the life time is 2 ~ 5 years 問題6: 小於10mm的石灰是否供燒結使用?而大於10mm的石灰是否供煉鋼使用?石灰如何產銷平衡? the lime with size smaller than 10 mm shall be used in sinter? Larger than 10 mm shall be used in steel making? How to balance the production and using/consumption of lime? 回答: 小於10mm的石灰給燒結使用,大於10mm的給煉鋼使用,石灰的產銷依據煉鋼產量多少而調整。 Lime under 10 mm shall be used in sinter, lime above 10 mm shall be used in converter, the lime production shall be adjusted by steel production. 問題7: 是否能提供石灰窯建造公司供XXXX公司參考? could you provide the kiln construction contractor for our reference. 回答: 鞍鋼三冶,本鋼修建、遼寧民盛. There are kiln construction contractors: 3rd Metallurgy Co, (Anshan Steel Co.,), Shui-Chen of Benxi http://www.bxsteel.com/bxsteel/bxxj/xjjj.htm), Ming-Shen Co. , 問題8: 燃氣為易燃之物質,貴 公司對於此項物質,如何進行管制及監測以維護安全?Gaseous fuel is inflammable , how to control and supervision to keep safety? 回答: 現場設置固定報警裝置,保證煤氣管網壓力恒定、無洩露,人員隨身攜帶報警器。 There are fixed alarm devices at site to assure the pressure stable and no leakage, operators are with alarm devices too. 問題9: 請問一座500t/d石灰窯,需要多少操作及維修人員?外包商人數? how many operators and maintenance persons for one 500 tpd kiln? Are they from contractor outside? 回答: 窯上操作人員16人,維修20人,其餘人員視附屬崗位的多少來定員。 The operators no. at kilns is 16 persons, maintenance persons are 20. 問題10: 請問貴 廠是否有水洗石灰石系統?水洗後的石灰石,在煆燒後的石灰質量是否能提高? do you have limestone washing system? The quality will be upgraded with washing? 回答: 無水洗石灰石系統,水洗後的石灰石能去除雜質,對品質的提高有好處。 No! the washed limestone will be free from impurity and better for quality upgrading! 問題11: 石灰石是否有破碎/型式/廠牌/備機? limestone is with crushed, type? Brand? Standby? 回答: 無 no application of crushing in Benx 問題13: 石灰破碎機型式/廠牌/備機? quick lime crusher: type? Brand? Standby? 回答: No crushers are applied in Benxi kilns! 問題14: 集塵粉排料流程/產生量/集塵粉槽容量/BF分幾室? dust collecting flow chart: flow? Production? Dust bin capacity? Chambers of BF.? 回答: 單窯:窯頂-管道-布袋除塵器-廢氣風機-煙筒,日產生量為4噸,粉塵槽容量為5噸,BF共6個室. BF process: top of kiln, duct, Bag Filter, exhausting fan, dust silo. The daily production of dust is 4 ton. The dust bin capacity is 5 ton. There are 6 chambers per BF. 問題15: 控制室配置幾台制程電腦/幾台監視器/監視點? Control room layout: process computer quantity? Supervisory monitors quantity? 回答: 兩台電腦,10台監視器(窯頂2個、單鬥2個、卷揚2個,窯下皮帶、傾角皮帶、可逆皮帶、輸送皮帶) 2 computers, 10 monitors ( 2 at kiln top, single silo x 2, skip x 2 sets, belt conveyer under kiln x 1, declined belt x 1, reversible conveyer x 1, belt conveyer x 1) 問題16: 石灰石、石灰貯槽材質/儲存量? limestone storage/ lime storage silo: material of silo? Storage capacity of silos? 回答: 均為鐵質,石灰石倉為400噸/倉;石灰倉160噸/倉 the fabricating material of lime/limestone storage silos are carbon steel, capacity of limestone silo is 400 ton /silo, lime silo is 160 ton/silo. 問題17: 大、小修之半成品如何處理?the semi-products during minor/major repair shall be handled? 回答: 等待回收修理。The semi product is waiting for recovery or repair. 問題18: 定期保養時機/時間?(依貴廠實際運轉經驗) your periodic maintenance frequency? Each duration? Per you experience. 回答: 每月檢修至少一次, maintenance is done once per month at least. 問題19: 熱媒油泵浦型式/熱媒油安全措施?是否發生異常? diathermic pumps types? Safety devices description, has it happened any abnormal? 回答: 全,無異常diathermic pump is very safe and without abnormal situation. 問題20: 工作管制區(co )範圍?CO range for working district? 回答: 從石灰石進廠驗收,生產石灰產品、到負責石灰外排出廠。 The CO control range from limestone receiving till lime production and sending to outside. 問題21: 石灰排料BC耐熱溫度? Lime discharging belt conveyer shall resist which temperature? 回答: 120℃--150℃ 此次拜訪本溪北台鋼鐵生石灰廠, 收益良多, 確認弗卡斯石灰窯耐用易操作及生產品質良好, 適合煉鋼使用!



