


CFBC from Doosan Lentjes  


46 Years of Power Plants Based on





Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion (CFBC)

– a successful technology through the ages

 46年電廠基於循環流化床燃燒 (CFBC)– 一項歷久彌新成功的技術





Presented at:

VGB Operator Workshop, part of CFB12  

Cracow, Poland 

Published on Blogger

By -Translator and business promoter == Herbert Wang , GM of HBW Co., local agent , E-mail: hbw.corp@msa.hinet.net, Mobile+886-935030124
























Doosan Lentjes產品簡介

主要技術: 循環流化床鍋爐(CFBC Boiler),廢物能源應用(Wte)和煙氣淨化系統(AQCS)等產品











































Circulating Fluidised Bed Boilers, Waste-to-Energy Applications and Flue Gas Cleaning Systems


Doosan process

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doosan lentjes Doosan Lentjes started business in 1928 and focuses on delivering proprietary technologies for circulating fluidised bed combustion, waste-to-energy and flue gas cleaning applications.


Depending on customer requirements, Doosan Lentjes is a technology provider, which delivers full turnkey projects and cooperates with international EPC companies.


As a member of the global Doosan group, Doosan Lentjes has the financial strength and stability to offer and guarantee projects to be delivered on time.


Circulating fluidised bed boiler solutions  

CFB boiler technology allows maximum fuel flexibility for various fuel types with difficult combustion properties such as low ash melting temperature, low calorific value, high moisture or ash content.


Besides fossil fuels, the CFB boiler technology reliably and efficiently incinerates renewable fuels, including biomass, which gives customers the assurance to meet their economic and environmental goals.


The CFB process offers inbuilt emission control and SO2 released during combustion can be captured by adding limestone to the system.


The comparatively low combustion temperature of 850°C and the staged air supply also prevent the formation of thermal NOx. These features remain valid in conjunction with the broad fuel flexibility.


Doosan Lentjes draws on vast experience in the field of CFB technology, encompassing more than 110 units contracted around the globe to date.


Grate, combustion and flue gas cleaning systems for waste-to-energy applications

Doosan Lentjes delivers grate technologies, combustion systems and flue gas cleaning solutions for all waste incineration requirements. All solutions feature a tailor-made design safeguarding highly efficient incineration and energy recovery even when changing waste compositions and qualities.


With almost 80 units contracted around the world, which convert millions of tonnes of waste-to-energy every year, Doosan Lentjes has the experience to lead these kinds of projects to success.


Flue gas desulphurisation technologies (FGD)

Doosan Lentjes has a long tradition in wet and dry flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) processes. With almost 40 years of experience in air quality control systems, Doosan Lentjes has installed more than 50 dry and 110 wet FGD plants, including wet limestone or seawater absorbent applications.


The wet limestone FGD process has been specially designed to meet the requirements of high sulphur or largescale power plants. For facilities located near the coast, the seawater FGD system is a suitable alternative, which achieves the same desulphurisation results as the wet limestone process.


When it comes to the removal of multi-pollutants such as SOx, HCl, HF, as well as, hydrocarbons and heavy metals, the dry Circoclean® FGD process is most attractive. Customers benefit from a compact solution applicable downstream in different boilers fired with fuels, including coal, oil, biomass, RDF or domestic or industrial waste.


Doosan Lentjes selects the most suitable FGD process to ensure that the most stringent applicable emissions directives are being met.


Selective catalytic reaction DENOx technology

The selective catalytic reduction (SCR) process is a reaction of ammonia with nitrogen oxides on a catalyst. The nitrogen oxides present in the flue gas are converted into nitrogen and water vapour.


Applications in high dust (upstream of a filter) and low dust (downstream) have been realised, totalling a 35,000MWe equivalent installed capacity.


Electrostatic precipitators (ESP) and low-pressure pulse jet fabric filters

Doosan Lentjes can rely on the experience accumulated in one of the largest precipitator databases throughout the world due to the fact that over 6,000 electrostatic precipitators (ESP) have been built to date.


In addition to ESPs, it can also offer low-pressure pulse jet fabric filters operating at a very low air reservoir pressure, saving energy.

 SRF Fuel and Biomass are handled in new generation of CFBC boiler through Doosan Lentjes :

 SRF 燃料和生物質通過 Doosan Lentjes 在新一代 CFBC 鍋爐中處理


  The developing of CFBC to recover heat and convert to electricity is a new solution to recover energy from multiple kinds of wastes , the application of CFBC provide flexible process to solve the poor quality of raw stocks or fuels from those bad physical conditions, whereas the fuel is rather cheaper than coal or anthracite.

CFBC的開發回收熱能轉化為電能是從多種廢物中回收能量的一種新的解決方案,CFBC的應用提供了靈活的工藝來解決原材料或燃料的劣質物理條件,而燃料 比煤或無菸煤便宜。

History of CFBC technology  ( CFBC技術的歷史)



New technology does not fall from the sky and is also usually not an instantaneous creation; based on an initial idea, it is a medium to long term development. It is the same with the circulating fluidized bed technology, successfully applied for 40 years to clean coal combustion for the purpose of steam and power generation. 新技術不是從天上掉下來的,通常也不是一蹴而就的; 基於一個初步的想法,這是一個中長期的發展。 與循環流化床技術一樣,40年來成功地應用於以蒸汽和發電為目的的清潔煤燃燒。


In 1921, Fritz Winkler, an engineer of German BASF developed in the course of the invention of the Haber-Bosch-Process for ammonia production the Winkler Generator for the gasification of fine lignite in a fluidized bed. His experiment initiated a new gas/solids reaction principle, called fluidization, and he has been credited with this invention. A first large scale plant went into operation in 1926 and others followed.

During the further development of the bubbling or stationary fluid bed technology in the US it was found that by operating at higher gas and solids velocities in pneumatic transport regime certain shortcomings in comparison to slowbeds could be overcome, in particular scale-up of capacities.

In 1938, Lewis and Gilliland filed a first patent based on high-velocity-fluidization for with a concept similar to a CFB. Realization of this patent in industrial practice never has been reported, however.

In the fifties, BASF applied classical fluid bed combustion technology to a process for roasting pyrites with horizontal tube bundles for raising steam while generating electric energy or process heat. It was then, that the company Lurgi became aware of the technology and used it under license intensively in the inorganic chemical and non-ferrous metallurgical industry. 1921 年,德國巴斯夫的工程師 Fritz Winkler 在發明用於生產氨的 Haber-Bosch 工藝的過程中開發了 Winkler 發生器,用於在流化床中氣化細褐煤。他的實驗開創了一種新的氣體/固體反應原理,稱為流化,他被認為是這項發明的功勞。第一個大型工廠於 1926 年投入運營,其他工廠也緊隨其後。


1938 年,Lewis Gilliland 申請了第一項基於高速流化的專利,其概念類似於 CFB。然而,從未報導過該專利在工業實踐中的實現。

50 年代,巴斯夫將經典的流化床燃燒技術應用於用水平管束焙燒黃鐵礦的工藝,以在產生電能或工藝熱的同時提高蒸汽。就在那時,Lurgi 公司意識到了這項技術,並在獲得許可的情況下將其廣泛用於無機化學和有色冶金行業。




The idea of burning coal in a bubbling fluidized bed certainly crossed the minds of many innovators and scientists. There is unanimous agreement that it was first pursued and promoted vigorously by Douglas Elliott of Central Electricity Generation Board Laboratory at Marchwood / Southampton, who first proposed the use of FBC in the UK in 1960. He recognized the merit of burning high carbon-in-ash residue in fluidized beds to recover thermal energy and to generate steam by immersing boiler tubes in the bed. His original idea was soon extended to coal-fired power generation in its entirety. 在沸騰的流化床中燃燒煤的想法肯定出現在許多創新者和科學家的腦海中。 一致認為,它首先是由馬奇伍德/南安普敦中央發電委員會實驗室的 Douglas Elliott 大力追求和推動的,他於 1960 年在英國首次提出使用 FBC。他認識到燃燒高碳在- 流化床中的灰渣回收熱能並通過將鍋爐管浸入床中產生蒸汽。 他最初的想法很快擴展到了整個燃煤發電。




High velocity fluidization technology did not have a direct entry into the application for steam generation by coal combustion.

Among others also Lurgi found higher velocity fluidization to be an excellent technique for carrying out reactions with finely grained solids. Based on laboratory-scale work around 1958 with a first direct diesel oil injection fired CFB at 1100°C and based on the external doctorate thesis about fluid dynamic similarity of fluidization in the boundary regime to pneumatic transport by Lothar Reh, Lurgi developed during the 60ties in cooperation with Vereinigte Aluminium Werke AG a novel aluminium calcining process. It was tested in a 24 tpd pilot plant at Lüen and was followed by a first commercial plant of 500 tons per day in 1970 there, too. For the endothermic process of Aluminum calcining, gas or oil has been burnt for the first time in an air staged low NOx emission mode in the CFB calciner. The generated heat was recovered from the product in a multi-stage cooler, whereas waste gases exchanged heat with feed materials. Use of the CFB process allowed uniform control of the calcining temperature within its required limits. As a result of this attractive feature, a large number of CFB calciners were soon put into commercial operation. 高速流化技術並沒有直接進入燃煤製蒸汽的應用領域。

除其他外,Lurgi 還發現高速流化是一種與細粒固體進行反應的出色技術。基於 1958 年左右在 1100°C 下首次直接柴油噴射燃燒 CFB 的實驗室規模工作,以及 Lothar Reh 關於邊界狀態下流化與氣動輸送的流體動力學相似性的外部博士論文,Lurgi 60 年代開發與 Vereinigte Aluminium Werke AG 合作,一種新型鋁煅燒工藝。它在 Lüen 的一個 24 /天的試驗工廠進行了測試,隨後於 1970 年在那裡建立了第一個每天 500 噸的商業工廠。對於鋁煅燒的吸熱過程,氣體或油首次在 CFB 煅燒爐中以空氣分級低 NOx 排放模式燃燒。產生的熱量在多級冷卻器中從產品中回收,而廢氣與進料進行熱交換。 CFB 工藝的使用允許將煅燒溫度統一控制在其要求的範圍內。由於這一吸引人的特點,大量 CFB 煅燒爐很快投入商業運行。




The Elred process is characterized by a fluidised bed pre-reduction stage at 950 1000 °C fed with fine ore and coal to produce a partially metallized DRI which is then smelted in a DC arc furnace to give a liquid iron product. The off gas from the pre-reduction stage together with that from the electric furnace forms the fuel for electrical power generation. Elred 工藝的特點是在 950 1000 °C 的流化床預還原階段,加入細礦石和煤,以生產部分金屬化的直接還原鐵,然後在直流電弧爐中熔煉得到液態鐵產品。 來自預還原階段的廢氣與來自電爐的廢氣一起形成用於發電的燃料。

The process concept originated from Per Collin at Stora Kopparberg Bergslag AB, a former major steel producer in Sweden and jointly developed it with ASEA AB, the major manufacturer of electrical machines and systems in Sweden. 該工藝概念起源於瑞典前主要鋼鐵生產商 Stora Kopparberg Bergslag AB Per Collin,並與瑞典電機和系統的主要製造商 ASEA AB 共同開發。

In 1975 the developers entered into a cooperation agreement with Lurgi to provide the knowhow for circulating fluidised bed reactors which had been developed for calcination of alumina, and between 1976 and 1979 a CFB reduction pilot plant was built and tested at ASEA's Central R&D Department at Vaesteraas as part of the overall process development. However to date no sale of a commercial Elred process unit has been made. 1975 年,開發商與 Lurgi 簽訂了一項合作協議,為循環流化床反應器提供專有技術,該反應器是為氧化鋁煅燒而開發的,1976 年至 1979 年間,在韋斯特拉斯的 ASEA 中央研發部門建造並測試了 CFB 還原試驗工廠 作為整體工藝開發的一部分。 然而,迄今為止,還沒有出售任何商用 Elred 工藝裝置。




In the course of the development work for the ELRED process for the reduction of fine iron ore with fine coal in a CFB in spring of 1974 the four engineers Per Collin (Stora Kopparsberg), Sune Flink (ASEA Vaesteraas), Lothar Reh and Martin Hirsch (Lurgi) discussed the possibilities of the combustion of fine coke residue after magnetic separation from fine ore. 1974 年春天,在 CFB 中用細煤還原細鐵礦石的 ELRED 工藝的開發工作中,四位工程師 Per Collin (Stora Kopparsberg)Sune Flink (ASEA Vaesteraas)Lothar Reh Martin Hirsch (Lurgi) 討論了從細礦石中磁選後細焦殘渣燃燒的可能性。

The story goes that the four of them met in a restaurant in Frankfurt, popular with Lurgi research associates, and that in the course of the discussion Mr. Collin drew the attention towards the CFB´process. He initiated the idea to place parallel water tubes in the upper part of the combustor for cooling, which in fact also Dr. Reh had already considered in earlier roasting plant development work. 傳說他們四人在法蘭克福的一家餐廳相遇,這家餐廳深受 Lurgi 研究人員的歡迎,在討論過程中,Collin 先生將注意力吸引到了 CFB 工藝上。 他提出了在燃燒室上部放置平行水管進行冷卻的想法,事實上,Reh 博士在早期的焙燒廠開發工作中已經考慮過這一點。

We do not know under which condition the four men developed their ideas in the restaurant and which inspiring alcoholic beverage promoted their invention (in Frankfurt it should have most likely been a jar or more of apple cider instead of Polish Piwo or Wóka), however it surely was a more serious situation then in the animation in this slide. 我們不知道這四個人是在什麼條件下在餐廳裡發展出他們的想法的,以及哪種鼓舞人心的酒精飲料促進了他們的發明(在法蘭克福,它很可能應該是一罐或更多的蘋果酒,而不是波蘭的 Piwo Wóka),但是它 肯定是比這張幻燈片的動畫更嚴重的情況。




The inventors of the CFB principle placed the fluidization velocity in a regime between the classical fluid bed (stationary or bubbling bed) and the transport reactor, where the so-called slip velocity the difference between the mean gas velocity and the mean solids velocity - is at its largest. There high internal solids recirculation occurs, allowing the optimum mixing of gas and solids and achieving the best performance in terms of heat and mass transfer as well as high temperature uniformity. CFB 原理的發明者將流化速度置於經典流化床(固定床或鼓泡床)和傳輸反應器之間的狀態,其中所謂的滑移速度 - 平均氣體速度和平均固體速度之間的差異 - 是最大的。 發生高內部固體再循環,允許氣體和固體的最佳混合,並在傳熱和傳質以及高溫均勻性方面實現最佳性能。

After all it was the Lurgi engineers who created the term Circulating Fluidized Bed CFB. 畢竟是 Lurgi 工程師創造了循環流化床 CFB 這一術語。





The ideas initiated during the historical dinner had been further discussed by the four engineers and developed into the Inventors Proposal, for which the two Lurgi engineers developed the technical concept and performed the process calculations. 歷史晚宴上提出的想法經過四位工程師的進一步討論,並發展成為發明者提案,兩位 Lurgi 工程師為此制定了技術概念並進行了工藝計算

The proposal was finally issued on February 4, 1975. It is remarkable that this early idea already incorporated such advanced features like an external FBHE with several chambers and both, a water cooled combustor and cyclone as well as wing walls. It already includes ideas for desulphurization with limestone as well as oxygen enriched combustion. 該提案最終於 1975 2 4 日發布。值得注意的是,這個早期的想法已經包含了一些先進的功能,例如帶有多個腔室的外部 FBHE,水冷燃燒器和旋風分離器以及翼牆。 它已經包含了用石灰石脫硫以及富氧燃燒的想法。

In order to verify the new technology and to be in a position to test various fuels and combustion conditions as a basis for the design of the commercial plants Lurgi built and operated various laboratory and pilot size facilities, the largest with a thermal capacity of 1,5 MWth. The plant has been intensively used for testing and combustion verification until the end of the 90th. 為了驗證新技術並能夠測試各種燃料和燃燒條件,作為商業工廠設計的基礎,Lurgi 建造並運營了各種實驗室和中試規模的設施,其中最大的熱容量為 15 兆瓦。 直到 90 世紀末,該工廠一直被大量用於測試和燃燒驗證。




There are two basic patents, which have been granted to protect the CFB boiler inventions: The first patent applied for on September 5, 1975 rocess for Burning Carbonaceous Materialswas granted to the four inventors Collin, Flink, Reh and Hirsch and is based on the original invention initiated in the Frankfurt restaurant. It already mentioned SO2 removal over 90%, possible NOx emissions below 100 ppm and use of oxygen enrichment in combustion air. With a second patent Method of and Apparatus for Carrying out an Exothermic Processapplied for on May 31, 1976 by Lothar Reh, Martin Hirsch and Ludolf Plass the invention was completed. It marks the anniversary day in 2016: CFB-Boiler Patent - 40 years of CFBC Power Plants. Key of this patent is the external FBHE and its solid recirculation into the combustor. 有兩項基本專利已被授予保護 CFB 鍋爐發明: 1975 9 5 日申請的第一項專利“燃燒含碳材料的工藝”授予了四位發明人 CollinFlinkReh Hirsch,該專利基於 關於在法蘭克福餐廳發起的原始發明。 它已經提到了超過 90% SO2 去除率、可能低於 100 ppm NOx 排放以及在燃燒空氣中使用富氧。 Lothar RehMartin Hirsch Ludolf Plass 1976 5 31 日申請了第二項專利“進行放熱過程的方法和裝置”,該發明完成了。 它標誌著 2016 年的周年紀念日:CFB 鍋爐專利 - CFBC 電廠 40 週年。 該專利的關鍵是外部 FBHE 及其進入燃燒器的固體再循環。




Before the first coal burning plant was built, Lurgi and Swedish engineers developed a boiler concept for complete low temperature, oxygen enriched combustion of Swedish oil-shale at 650°C. The sketch shows a popular artist`s concept which in fact is already close to an advanced CFB boiler, even though it contains features on which we look today with a certain curiosity. A plant according to this concept was however never built. 在第一座燃煤工廠建成之前,Lurgi 和瑞典工程師開發了一種鍋爐概念,用於在 650°C 下對瑞典油頁岩進行完全低溫富氧燃燒。 該草圖展示了一位流行藝術家的概念,該概念實際上已經接近於先進的 CFB 鍋爐,儘管它包含我們今天帶著某種好奇心看到的特徵。 然而,從未建造過根據這一概念的工廠。




For the engineers at Lurgi it was only a short step from the calcining technology to the first purely coal-fired boiler at the VAW Lüen works in 1981. At a capacity of 84 MWth it generated steam, power and process heat from high ash coal wash residues for their novel alumina operation. The very low SO2 - and NOx- of the first patent were confirmed. 對於 Lurgi 的工程師來說,從煅燒技術到 1981 VAW Lüen 工廠的第一台純燃煤鍋爐僅一步之遙。它的容量為 84 MWth,通過高灰分洗煤產生蒸汽、電力和工藝熱 用於其新型氧化鋁操作的殘留物。 確認了第一項專利的非常低的 SO2 - NOx-

Undoubtedly the plant still looked more like a metallurgical application with a round, refractory lined combustor and refractory lined cyclone, an external FBHE re-heating molten salt as a heat carrier for the bauxite tube digestion process and a waste heat boiler generating steam. 毫無疑問,該工廠看起來仍然更像是一個冶金應用,具有圓形耐火襯裡燃燒器和耐火襯裡旋風分離器,外部 FBHE 再加熱熔鹽作為鋁土礦管消化過程的熱載體,以及產生蒸汽的廢熱鍋爐。

After closure of the aluminum operations the plant was converted to burn coal and waste fuels and is as part of the Remondis Lippe Werk recycling activities in operation until today. 在關閉鋁業務後,該工廠被改造成燃燒煤炭和廢棄燃料,並且作為 Remondis Lippe Werk 回收活動的一部分,一直運營到今天。




In 1976 Folke Engströ of the Finnish company Ahlströ Oy started works to develop a CFB boiler, unaware of the existing patents and without applying for own patents. He became inspired by a lecture of Prof. Arthur Squires at Stockholm and by experience as supplier of classical roaster boiler equipment for Lurgi in Finland. In 1979 they were the first company to start up a plant with 15 MWth to burn bark, wood waste and coal (Suomen Kuitulevy, Pihlava, Finland). Several plants followed including the depicted reference Kauttua, Finland in 1981.1976 年,芬蘭公司 Ahlströ Oy Folke Engströ 開始著手開發 CFB 鍋爐,不知道現有專利,也沒有申請自己的專利。 他受到 Arthur Squires 教授在斯德哥爾摩的演講和作為芬蘭 Lurgi 經典烘焙鍋爐設備供應商的經驗的啟發。 1979 年,他們是第一家以 15 兆瓦的發電量來燃燒樹皮、木材廢料和煤炭的工廠(芬蘭 Pihlava Suomen Kuitulevy)。 隨後出現了幾家工廠,包括 1981 年描繪的芬蘭考圖亞工廠。

 Lurgi defended its patent rights and the situation resulted in license agreements with Ahlströ and other boiler makers entering the new CFB boiler market.  

Ahlströ established itself as Pyropower in the US and continued to market CFB until it merged into Foster Wheeler in 1995. Lurgi 為其專利權進行了辯護,因此與 Ahlströ 和其他鍋爐製造商簽訂了進入新 CFB 鍋爐市場的許可協議。

Ahlströ 在美國成立了 Pyropower,並繼續銷售 CFB,直到 1995 年併入 Foster Wheeler




In the years 1984 2000 an extensive licensing program was undertaken. This had various

reasons: Lurgi had no own power boiler technology and had to rely on a worldwide network of boiler manufacturers, the extensive market volume could not be handled alone and a number of suppliers was obliged to agree to license payments in their dis-regard of the original patents.

As a side effect of the policy and the related know-how transfer the technology was spread to a number of companies, many of them emerging as future competitors. 1984 年至 2000 年期間,開展了廣泛的許可計劃。 這有各種

原因:Lurgi 沒有自己的動力鍋爐技術,不得不依賴於全球的鍋爐製造商網絡,龐大的市場量無法單獨處理,許多供應商不得不同意無視原有的許可付款 專利。





From the early developments the CFB Technology spread out to a wide network of suppliers.

The original technology is mainly represented today by Doosan Lentjes (Lurgi) and GE Alstom (CE, Stein and EVT) and is including the external FBHE. 從早期的發展開始,CFB 技術擴展到了廣泛的供應商網絡。

如今,原始技術主要由 Doosan Lentjes (Lurgi) GE Alstom (CEStein EVT) 代表,包括外部 FBHE

A second group developed around the Ahlströ technology (originally avoiding the external heat exchanger) and is living on as AMEC Foster Wheeler.

The Studsvik System owned by Babcock & Wilcox has a distinct difference to the other technologies by using U-beam separators in lieu of the traditional centrifugal or cyclone separators.

Valmet has inherited the design from Göaverken and Tampella (via Kvaerner and Metso) and Andritz from AE&E. Both are similar to the Ahlströ system.

A number of CFB manufacturers emerged in the traditional coal countries China and India; the remarkable development in China I will outline later on. 第二組圍繞 Ahlströ 技術開發(最初避免使用外部熱交換器),並以 AMEC Foster Wheeler 的身份繼續存在。

Babcock & Wilcox 擁有的 Studsvik System 與其他技術有明顯區別,它使用 U 型梁分離器代替傳統的離心或旋風分離器。

Valmet 繼承了 Göaverken Tampella(通過 Kvaerner Metso)以及 AE&E Andritz 的設計。 兩者都類似於 Ahlströ 系統。

傳統煤炭大國中國、印度湧現出一批CFB生產企業; 我稍後會概述中國的顯著發展。




We have now already heard about the development from the earliest fluid bed technology ideas up to the first commercial combustion plants in the early 80s. Thereafter the development took off rapidly. Already the second unit had a capacity of close to 100 MWe and in every decade a new milestone could be reached: 100 MWe in the 80s, 250 MWe in the 90s, close to 300 MWe until 2010 and today boilers of 600 MWe plus are on the engineering table. 我們現在已經聽說了從最早的流化床技術理念到 80 年代初第一台商業燃燒裝置的發展。 此後發展迅速起飛。 第二台機組的容量已經接近 100 兆瓦,並且每十年都會達到一個新的里程碑:80 年代的 100 兆瓦,90 年代的 250 兆瓦,直到 2010 年接近 300 兆瓦,今天 600 兆瓦以上的鍋爐正在運行 工程表。




The rapid development of the technology also caused standardization and capacity increase, in particular for the utility applications, going hand in hand with a more power planttypical design. One cyclone being sufficient up to 100 MWe was soon succeeded with a two cyclone design up to 200 MWe (Berlin, Carling, Tisova), a four cyclone design up to 350 MWe (Twin Oaks, Gardanne, Starobeshevo) and for larger units a 6 cyclone design will be mandatory. 該技術的快速發展也帶來了標準化和容量增加,特別是對於公用事業應用,與更“電廠”的典型設計齊頭並進。 一個旋風分離器足以達到 100 MWe,很快就成功了,兩個旋風分離器設計達到 200 MWe(柏林、CarlingTisova),四個旋風分離器設計達到 350 MWeTwin OaksGardanneStarobeshevo),對於更大的裝置,一個 6 旋風設計將是強制性的。


Let us review a few major milestones of the Doosan Lentjes CFBC Power Plant references: 讓我們回顧一下 Doosan Lentjes CFBC 發電廠的幾個主要里程碑




Being the second commercial CFB power plant, the unit 1 of HKW Duisburg is a real champion: First CFB worldwide to apply Benson (once-through) boiler principles, even though it was still with sub-critical conditions! First CFB boiler delivering in cogeneration mode heat to a large city district heating network with high fuel utilization efficiency of close to 70% reducing CO2 emissions considerably! First 100 MWe CFB worldwide! This capacity was considered the utmost possible at the time. Commissioned in September 1985 and with over 230.000 operation hours Duisburg is the longest continuously running CFB boiler in the world! 作為第二個商業 CFB 發電廠,HKW Duisburg 1 號機組是真正的冠軍:世界上第一個應用 Benson(直通式)鍋爐原理的 CFB,即使它仍然處於亞臨界狀態! 第一台以熱電聯產模式向大型城市區域供熱網絡輸送熱量的 CFB 鍋爐,燃料利用效率高,接近 70%,大大減少了二氧化碳排放! 全球首個 100 MWe CFB! 這種能力在當時被認為是最大的可能。 杜伊斯堡於 1985 9 月投入使用,運行時間超過 230.000 小時,是世界上持續運行時間最長的 CFB 鍋爐!




The Berlin plant with 100 MWe was another huge step forward. It was the first CFB close to 200 bars on Benson (once-through) principle! And the first CFB worldwide with steam cooled cyclones and FBHEs. This outstanding plant was honored with the International Power Plant Award by Power Magazine in 1990 for outstanding environmental achievements. 擁有 100 MWe 的柏林工廠是向前邁出的又一大步。 這是第一個按照 Benson(單程)原則接近 200 條的 CFB! 全球首個配備蒸汽冷卻旋風分離器和 FBHE CFB1990 年,這家傑出的電廠因傑出的環保成就而榮獲 Power Magazine 頒發的國際電廠獎。




A milestone in American CFB history TexMex (now known as Twin Oaks) was the worlds first 175 MWe CFB and the plant worlds first pant leg solution with integrated water-cooled FBHEs. 美國 CFB 歷史上的一個里程碑 TexMex(現稱為 Twin Oaks)是世界上第一個 175 MWe CFB 和工廠世界上第一個帶有集成水冷 FBHE 的褲腿解決方案。美國 CFB 歷史上的一個里程碑 TexMex(現稱為 Twin Oaks)是世界上第一個 175 MWe CFB 和工廠世界上第一個帶有集成水冷 FBHE 的褲腿解決方案。




Gardanne in the French Provence was for many years the worlds first 250 MWe CFB plant and the largest CFB worldwide. Originally designed for local lignite and later converted to bituminous coal combustion the unit is presently converted to biomass combustion with 170 MWe capacity. The plant proves the true flexibility of this technology, in particular with FBHE application. 法國普羅旺斯的 Gardanne 多年來一直是世界上第一座 250 MWe CFB 工廠,也是全球最大的 CFB 工廠。 最初設計用於當地褐煤,後來轉為燃燒煙煤,該裝置目前轉為生物質燃燒,容量為 170 MWe。 該工廠證明了該技術的真正靈活性,特別是在 FBHE 應用中。




Presently, the largest Doosan Lentjes CFBC references with 2 Units of 280 MWe each and fired with lignite are the two plants in India, Neyveli and BECL. 目前,最大的 Doosan Lentjes CFBC 參考是印度的兩家工廠,即 Neyveli BECL,每台 280 MWe 2 個機組並用褐煤燃燒。





Certainly the CFB technology has changed face over the years. Starting as a chemical and metallurgical application the overall design had to be adapted to power plant use. The first units still used circular / refractory lined combustors and cyclones, the second generation already had water cooled combustors, FBHES and sometimes even cyclones, however in a conventional arrangement as depicted in the left image. Finally modern designs use extreme integrated arrangements, are entirely water / steam cooled and of course require minimum space. 當然,CFB 技術多年來已經改變了面貌。 從化學和冶金應用開始,整體設計必須適應發電廠的使用。 第一個單元仍然使用圓形/耐火襯裡燃燒器和旋風分離器,第二代已經有水冷燃燒器、FBHE,有時甚至是旋風分離器,但採用了左圖所示的傳統佈置。 最後,現代設計使用極端的集成佈置,完全水/蒸汽冷卻,當然需要最小的空間。




Various companies came up with different solutions to implement the CFB-principle. GE Alstom represents the closest to the original (or conventional) CFB arrangement with clear distinction of combustor, cyclones (usually refractory lined), FBHEs, back pass and air pre-heater. 不同的公司提出了不同的解決方案來實施 CFB 原則。 GE Alstom 代表了最接近原始(或傳統)CFB 佈置,具有明顯的燃燒器、旋風分離器(通常是耐火襯裡)、FBHE、回程和空氣預熱器的區別。


The innovative design of AMEC Foster Wheeler is a compact water /steam cooled solution. AMEC Foster Wheeler 的創新設計是一種緊湊的水/蒸汽冷卻解決方案。


In the Circofluid®CFB solution (developed by Babcock and owned by Doosan Lentjes) the circulation loop does not maintain full temperature over the height of the combustor, but uses heat transfer surfaces to reduce the temperature in the top of the combustor and consequently uses a cold cyclone design in the recycle loop. This technology is nowadays mainly used in China for small scale boilers and in India. Circofluid®CFB 解決方案(由 Babcock 開發並由 Doosan Lentjes 所有)中,循環迴路不會在燃燒器的整個高度上保持全溫,而是使用傳熱表面來降低燃燒器頂部的溫度,因此使用 循環迴路中的冷旋風設計。 該技術目前主要用於中國和印度的小型鍋爐。


The Babcock and Wilcox design uses so-called U-beam separators in lieu of centrifugal cyclones in the circulation loop and finalizes the solids separation in a cold recycle by a multiclone separator arranged in the back pass. Babcock Wilcox 設計使用所謂的 U 型梁分離器代替循環迴路中的離心旋風分離器,並通過佈置在回程中的多旋風分離器在冷循環中完成固體分離




A comprehensive look at the world wide history of CFB power plants cannot neglect the developments in China. Already from the early 80s Chinese institutes started to develop an own CFB design, based on international technology and initially free of regarding patent rights. The concepts were based on standard sizes, were limited to below 150 MWe and did not have EHEs. 11 major boiler manufacturers built well over 3000 plants based on the local technology, mostly smaller capacities (35 t/h, 75 t/h etc.). 全面審視全球循環流化床電廠的歷史,不能忽視中國的發展。 早在 80 年代初,中國的研究機構就開始開發自己的 CFB 設計,基於國際技術,最初沒有專利權。 這些概念基於標準尺寸,限制在 150 MWe 以下,並且沒有 EHE11 家主要鍋爐製造商在當地技術的基礎上建造了超過 3000 台設備,大多是較小的容量(35 /小時、75 /小時等)。


As Chinese technology could not be expanded to larger sizes without external help, various Chinese boiler companies concluded license agreements with GE Alstom and AMEC FW for capacitie由於沒有外部幫助,中國的技術無法擴大到更大的規模,因此多家中國鍋爐公司與 GE Alstom AMEC FW 簽訂了 150 300 MWe 容量的許可協議,包括與 EHE 的概念。 超過 20 300 MWe 機組已經在運行。s from 150 300 MWe, including concepts with EHEs. Over 20 300 MWe units are already in operation.


Based on the 300 MWe concepts provided by the licensors, Chinese Dongfang in co-operation with

Tsinghua University developed and implemented a 600 MWe CFB unit with supercritical steam parameters at Baima/China in follow-up of a national development program. 由於沒有外部幫助,中國的技術無法擴大到更大的規模,因此多家中國鍋爐公司與 GE Alstom AMEC FW 簽訂了 150 300 MWe 容量的許可協議,包括與 EHE 的概念。 超過 20 300 MWe 機組已經在運行。


Various Chinese CFB boiler suppliers are in the meantime also internationally active (Turkey, South Africa, Vietnam, Indonesia etc.).





This raises the question: Where is the limit in size? In the early times of CFB power plants 100 MWe was considered to be a limit in size but design improvements rapidly allowed to go to larger capacities:

20 MWe Ione in California with 1 cyclone burning lignite

100 MWe Tisova in Czech Republic with 2 cyclones burning lignite

200 MWe Starobeshevo in Ukraine with 4 cyclones burning anthracite

300 MWe Neyveli in India burning lignite

600 MWe supercritical applications with 6 cyclones have already been realized and

800 MWe concepts are on the drafting board.

這就提出了一個問題:大小的限制在哪裡? CFB 發電廠的早期,100 MWe 被認為是大小的限制,但設計改進很快就允許更大的容量:

加利福尼亞州的 20 MWe Ione 1 個旋風分離器燃燒褐煤

捷克共和國的 100 MWe Tisova 配備 2 個燃燒褐煤的旋風

烏克蘭的 200 MWe Starobeshevo 4 個旋風燃燒無菸煤

印度燃燒褐煤的 300 MWe Neyveli

已經實現了 6 個旋風分離器的 600 MWe 超臨界應用,並且

800 MWe 概念正在起草委員會中。




An estimated total number of app. 800 CFB power plant units with a total capacity of app. 50.000 MWe are installed worldwide. In addition app. 4000 CFB boilers exist in China with app. 70.000 MWe capacity, designed and manufactured by Chinese boiler companies (2000 therefrom with capacities below 25 MWe). CFB power plants are under operation with unit sizes from app. 15600 MWe. The average capacity is app. 75 MWe with a trend to larger capacities. Largest sizes in construction and operation are supercritical boilers with 550 MWe (Samcheok, Korea) and 600 MWe (Baima, China), design concepts are available up to 800 MWe.

估計的應用程序總數。 800 CFB 電廠機組,總容量為 全球安裝了 50.000 MWe。 另外應用程序。 中國有 4000 CFB 鍋爐應用程序。 70.000 MWe 容量,由中國鍋爐公司設計和製造(2000 年容量低於 25 MWe)。 CFB 發電廠正在運行,單位尺寸來自應用程序。 15600 兆瓦。 平均容量為 app75 MWe,容量更大。 建造和運行的最大尺寸是 550 MWe(韓國三陟)和 600 MWe(中國白馬)的超臨界鍋爐,可提供高達 800 MWe 的設計概念。




On June 14 2016 Doosan Lentjes could proudly celebrate the 40 Years Patent Event in their

Ratingen, Germany offices together with the three inventors of the CFB combustion technology, major contributors and scientists, plant owners / operators and staff.

Dr. Plass outlined the CFB technology as a promising solution that meets the requirements of future power generation: Plant operators face demanding future challenges in terms of their used fuel types as well as framework conditions, which means power production plants need to be flexible when it comes to efficient combustion of changing fuels even those with the most difficult properties. CFB plants can reliably deliver on these requirements, making them the solution of choice for both efficient and environment-friendly future energy generation. 

2016 6 14 日,Doosan Lentjes 可以自豪地慶祝 40 週年專利活動。

Ratingen,德國辦事處與 CFB 燃燒技術的三位發明者、主要貢獻者和科學家、工廠所有者/運營商和員工一起。

Plass 博士將 CFB 技術概述為滿足未來發電要求的有前途的解決方案: 它涉及到不斷變化的燃料的有效燃燒——即使是那些具有最困難特性的燃料。 CFB 工廠可以可靠地滿足這些要求,使其成為高效和環保的未來能源生產的首選解決方案。




To name all the references collected over the years would go beyond the target of this event. So

here just a few more outstanding examples:

Bayer Leverkusen (Currenta), Germany

EEW Premnitz, Germany

Emile Huchet, Carling, France

Wachtberg, Germany

Stadtwerke Kassel, Germany

Stadtwerke Duisburg, Germany

Stadtwerke Flensburg, Germany

Scott Paper, Chester, PA, USA

Chatham, Canada

AES Shady Point, Panama, OK, USA

Subic Redondo, Philippines

提起實躋廠,多年來收集的所有參考文獻將超出本次活動的目標。 所以


拜耳勒沃庫森 (Currenta), 德國

EEW 普雷姆尼茨,德國

Emile Huchet,卡靈,法國


Stadtwerke Kassel, 德國

Stadtwerke Duisburg, 德國

Stadtwerke Flensburg, 德國

Scott Paper,賓夕法尼亞州切斯特,美國


AES Shady Point,巴拿馬,OK,美國


Our trip into 40 years of history of the circulating fluidized bed combustion technology and its successful application to power generation is finished, but by far not the ambitious look into the future. Our engineers are constantly improving the design. All the major application companies worldwide are looking for new challenges, new applications and new visions for this technology. We know the next stations, but we know by far not yet the final destination.




